Gamespot's Everything Feed! News, Reviews, Videos. Exploding with content? You bet. en-us Wed, 05 Mar 2014 08:18:44 -0800 <figure data-align="center" data-size="large" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-2448616" data-resize-url="" data-resized="" data-embed-type="image"><a href="" data-ref-id="1300-2448616"><img src=""></a></figure><p style=""> </p><p dir="ltr" style="">The top 16 Call of Duty teams from across the United States will compete at Full Sail University in Florida this weekend for a chance to head to the Call of Duty Championship later this month. Matches of <a href="/call-of-duty-ghosts/" data-ref-id="false">Call of Duty: Ghosts </a>are played on Xbox One.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">16 teams will compete in the United States Championship and 8 will move on. The event will be broadcast <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ref-id="false">exclusively through MLG TV</a> beginning Saturday, March 8 at 12 noon EDT and running through Sunday, March 9.</p><p style="">The eight winning squads will advance to the <a href="" data-ref-id="1100-6417033">second annual Call of Duty Championship in Los Angeles</a>, where they will compete against international teams for the title of "World Champions" and $1 million in prizes. This event will also be broadcast exclusively through MLG TV.</p><p dir="ltr" style=""><strong>Teams competing at the US Championship include:</strong></p><ul><li dir="ltr">Team EnVyUs</li><li dir="ltr">compLexity</li><li dir="ltr">OpTic Gaming</li><li dir="ltr">JusTus Pro</li><li dir="ltr">Curse Las Vegas</li><li dir="ltr">Strictly Business</li><li dir="ltr">Team Kaliber</li><li dir="ltr">FaZe</li><li dir="ltr">Curse NY</li><li dir="ltr">Xfinity Gaming (formerly TVA)</li><li dir="ltr">Denial West (formerly eLevate)</li><li dir="ltr">VexX Gaming (formerly Sigma)</li><li dir="ltr">Adversity</li><li dir="ltr">Final Boss</li><li dir="ltr">Rise (Formerly Living The Dream)</li><li>Denial East</li></ul><p style="">Team Fariko defeated EnVyUS in the 2013 Call of Duty Championship finals to claim the crown. Check out a video recap of that event below.</p><div data-embed-type="video" data-ref-id="2300-6406925" data-width="100%" data-height="100%"><iframe src="/videos/embed/6406925/" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe></div><table data-max-width="true"><thead><tr><th scope="col"><em>Eddie Makuch is a news editor at GameSpot, and you can follow him on<a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ref-id="false"> Twitter @EddieMakuch</a></em></th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td><strong><em>Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Email <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></em></strong></td></tr></tbody></table> Wed, 05 Mar 2014 07:17:00 -0800 <p style="">It's two weeks before the release of <a href="/metal-gear-solid-ground-zeroes/" data-ref-id="false">Ground Zeroes</a>, and there's still a lot of misinformation floating about. After spending over eight hours with the game, seeing the majority of its content, I'm going to take this opportunity to debunk, and verify, some of the rumors about the latest Metal Gear game.</p><p style="">Whether Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima likes it or not, his legendary stealth series is complicated. Nearly everything and everyone has multiple aliases, key comrades betray allegiances, and subsequent games crisscross between decades while also featuring leading characters with nearly identical names and faces; a reference to a character named Snake may refer to one of four people: Naked Snake, Solid Snake, Solidus Snake, or Liquid Snake.</p><p style="">Kojima took a similar convoluted approach to the reveal of Metal Gear Solid V. It began with the <a href="" data-ref-id="1100-6393924">announcement</a> of Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes at an event celebrating the series' 25th anniversary in late August 2012. Then, Kojima stayed silent about Metal Gear until the VGAs in December of 2012. In typical Kojima form, he <a href="" data-ref-id="1100-6401275">announced</a> the other piece of the Metal Gear Solid V puzzle as simply <a href="/metal-gear-solid-v-the-phantom-pain/" data-ref-id="false">The Phantom Pain</a>, but did so under the guise of bandaged developer Joakim Mogren. The Metal Gear Solid V portion of the title was hidden in the negative space of the logo, and we were told that it was being developed by a new Swedish studio, Moby Dick Studios. It wasn't until the Game Developers Conference the following March that Kojima <a href="" data-ref-id="1100-6406062">revealed</a> that he was behind The Phantom Pain and that it, together with Ground Zeroes, would make up Metal Gear Solid V.</p><figure data-align="center" data-size="large" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-2448393" data-resize-url="" data-resized="" data-embed-type="image"><a href="" data-ref-id="1300-2448393"><img src=""></a></figure><p style=""> </p><h3>Rumor: Ground Zeroes is a glorified $30 demo.<br />Reality: Ground Zeroes is a $30 game.</h3><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-2448396" data-resize-url="" data-resized="" data-embed-type="image"><a href="" data-ref-id="1300-2448396"><img src=""></a><figcaption>Packaged copies of Ground Zeroes are $30, but a digital version can be downloaded for only $20.</figcaption></figure><p style="">Demos come in different forms. Typically, they're slices cut from the main game that offer a glimpse at the setting and plot, while giving you a chance to explore the core mechanics that will drive the gameplay experience. Sometimes game demos break these rules; Bravely Default's recent demo for the 3DS offered curious players distinct content that's separate from the final product. It wasn't short either, keeping many people engaged for 10 or more hours. Despite its length, the demo revealed very little about the main game's overall plot.</p><p style="">Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes can also be played for 10 or more hours. It also contains content that can't be found in the "main" game, The Phantom Pain. However, I will argue that because Ground Zeroes offers key plot points that lead into the Phantom Pain, it truly is a prologue game, unlike the Bravely Default demo.</p><p style="">For each of Ground Zeroes' missions, you're given the entirety of Camp Omega to accomplish your goal, but that is the sole environment in the game. This limitation is no doubt the reason for the "demo" branding by some, but Ground Zeroes is a stand-alone product. If you hold to the notion that a short game can only be a demo, and you refuse to pay for something that "should" be free, you've got a long time to wait before the "full" game is released, likely in late 2015, or even early 2016.</p><p style="">Even if you manage to hold out and ignore Ground Zeroes for that long, there's no guarantee The Phantom Pain will contain the same content found in Ground Zeroes. It may not be as broad or as long as most games, but Ground Zeroes can be had for one-third of the cost if you opt to download it for $20.</p><div data-embed-type="video" data-ref-id="2300-6417312" data-width="854" data-height="480"><iframe src="/videos/embed/6417312/" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe></div><h3><span>Rumor: Ground Zeroes is two hours long.<br /></span>Reality: Ground Zeroes has over ten hours of content.</h3><p style="">When Game Informer <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ref-id="false">pointed out</a> that they completed Ground Zeroes in two hours, everyone was up in arms. There were a lot reader comments that read something like this: "Two hours? What a rip-off!" We've since learned, and I can confirm, that the two-hour time frame is a reasonable estimation of your first playthrough of the main mission. I completed my first run closer to the one-hour mark, but I took one of many routes to get there. Ground Zeroes isn't a linear experience, and there are a lot of paths that will lead you to your goal.</p><p style="">Metal Gear is traditionally a stealth-based experience, and Ground Zeroes is no different. However, it's more open ended than its predecessors. The main mission, if handled as succinctly as possible, incorporates only a quarter of the setting, Camp Omega.</p><figure data-align="left" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-2448394" data-resize-url="" data-resized="" data-embed-type="image"><a href="" data-ref-id="1300-2448394"><img src=""></a><figcaption>Pick it quick!</figcaption></figure><p style="">There are also a handful of side missions--called side-ops--to explore. The first four give you new challenges that take you directly to new parts of the map. The weather and time of day change for these missions as well. These changes alter the need for and implementation of stealth, and give the base an entirely new feel. Though you only explore Camp Omega in Ground Zeroes, there's plenty of opportunity to explore every nook in a variety of scenarios. While playing through the side-ops, I spent about three hours during my first run of the lot, but I consistently ranked poorly. Time permitting, I would have readily and happily jumped back in to improve my rank. It's not just for pride: better ranks reward you with better bonus items that can open up new ways to play any mission in the game.</p><p style="">If you want to open up the <a href="" data-ref-id="1100-6416613">platform-exclusive missions</a>, you'll need a keen eye, a quiet step, and a lot of patience. In order to unlock them, you need to collect badges hidden throughout the base. It may be one location, but Camp Omega is full of buildings to explore and corners to pick through, making the badge hunt particularly challenging. I certainly wasn't able to find them all without a bit of help.</p><p style="">All told, I spent about nine hours playing Ground Zeroes, and my completion rating was only 30 percent. I beat every mission, but I failed to complete them in every way possible.</p><h3>Rumor: Ground Zeroes is easier with the slow-motion stealth mechanic.<br />Reality: Ground Zeroes is just as difficult with the slow-motion stealth mechanic.</h3><figure data-align="right" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-2448397" data-resize-url="" data-resized="" data-embed-type="image"><a href="" data-ref-id="1300-2448397"><img src=""></a><figcaption>When the going gets tough, the weak get choke-slammed.</figcaption></figure><p dir="ltr" style="">One of the most obvious changes to the stealth gameplay is the new slow-motion effect that occurs when you're spotted by an enemy. Before they have a chance to alert fellow guards and soldiers, you have a few seconds to silence them and avert danger. It's not a total crutch, however. After all, you no longer have a radar system to track noise and enemy movements. You can mark enemies with your binoculars and keep track of them that way, but you're required to spot them in the first place. This is no small feat when there are dozens of enemies in the area and you're constantly watching your back.</p><p style="">Even though I always knew where some enemies were, there was always a little voice in the back of my head reminding me that there are probably another one or two nearby that I haven't spotted. Sometimes though, I got cocky, and brashly bolted into un-scouted territory. The moment I was spotted and the slow-motion effect kicked in produced a fight or flight sensation that was immediately difficult to manage. You know that your window to act is only open for a few seconds, and the pressure therein had a noticeable impact on my ability to focus. Maybe it speaks to my abilities as a player, but the slow-motion "crutch" did me no favors compared to the old way of doing things.</p><h3>Rumor: Ground Zeroes is an open-world game.<br />Reality: Ground Zeroes is not an open-world game.</h3><p style="">As I've said already, there's only one area to explore in Ground Zeroes. Now, according to Kojima, the Phantom Pain is supposed to be "hundreds" of times larger than Ground Zeroes, which will likely fit into the open-world paradigm that we've grown accustomed to in games like <a href="/grand-theft-auto-v/" data-ref-id="false">Grand Theft Auto V</a>. You will not get that same feeling when playing Ground Zeroes. If you attempt to exit the base through one of many available exits, you'll be prompted to confirm that you're quitting the mission at hand and want to return to the main menu. Perhaps a better descriptor for Ground Zeroes is that it's an open-format game, as there are numerous paths and means to reach your goal. In that sense, it's more open than previous games in the series.</p><figure data-align="center" data-size="large" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-2448399" data-resize-url="" data-resized="" data-embed-type="image"><a href="" data-ref-id="1300-2448399"><img src=""></a><figcaption>Camp Omega looks small at this scale, but it will take considerable time and effort to see everything it has to offer.</figcaption></figure><p style="">You could ignore your mission objectives and spend an hour running around Camp Omega and still miss half of the soldiers, vehicles, and interactive objects strewn about. So yes, it's more open than usual, but there's no basis to call Ground Zeroes an open-world game. The Phantom Pain, on the other hand, will almost certainly offer what Kojima has talked about since the inception of Peace Walker: a (mostly) persistent world where you can recruit soldiers, build your army's base, and break free from the bonds of linear mission structures.</p><p style="">There's obviously a lot more to talk about, and with the Ground Zeroes release date looming, you can be sure that everyone's questions will be answered soon. What I can say at this point is that for $30, Ground Zeroes offers a robust glimpse into the future of Metal Gear. It looks great, offers intriguing plot points to digest, and has enough extra content to keep you busy far longer than two hours.</p> Wed, 05 Mar 2014 06:00:00 -0800 <figure data-align="center" data-size="large" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-2367051" data-resize-url="" data-resized="" data-embed-type="image"><a href="" data-ref-id="1300-2367051"><img src=""></a></figure><p style=""> </p><p dir="ltr" style="">Right now, <a href="/metal-gear-solid-v-the-phantom-pain/" data-ref-id="false">Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain</a> is confirmed only for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation 4. But series creator Hideo Kojima would like to see the game come to the PC as well, he told GameSpot in a new one-on-one interview in Japan.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">"PC, that's my original background. I originally created PC games," Kojima said. "A long time ago I didn't want to rely on platforms to release games, so if people want it, I cannot make a formal announcement, but that is definitely something that I would like to do."</p><p style="">Predecessor <a href="/metal-gear-solid-4-guns-of-the-patriots/" data-ref-id="false">Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots</a> did not come to the PC, though 2013 spinoff <a href="/metal-gear-rising-revengeance/" data-ref-id="false">Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance</a> did, albeit 11 months after the game originally released on consoles. The Phantom Pain prologue <a href="/metal-gear-solid-ground-zeroes/" data-ref-id="false">Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes</a>, which launches <a href="" data-ref-id="1100-6416613">March 18</a>, is not announced for the PC.</p><p style="">For more Metal Gear Solid coverage, check out <a href="" data-ref-id="1100-6418103">GameSpot's feature rounding up the story so far</a>. </p><div data-embed-type="video" data-ref-id="2300-6414685" data-width="100%" data-height="100%"><iframe src="/videos/embed/6414685/" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe></div><table data-max-width="true"><thead><tr><th scope="col"><em>Eddie Makuch is a news editor at GameSpot, and you can follow him on<a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ref-id="false"> Twitter @EddieMakuch</a></em></th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td><strong><em>Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Email <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></em></strong></td></tr></tbody></table> Wed, 05 Mar 2014 06:00:00 -0800 <figure data-align="center" data-size="large" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-2400229" data-resize-url="" data-resized="" data-embed-type="image"><a href="" data-ref-id="1300-2400229"><img src=""></a></figure><p style=""> </p><p dir="ltr" style="">If games are to be thought of as more than just that--games--they need to broach sensitive subjects, according to Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima. During a roundtable interview with the veteran designer attended by GameSpot, Kojima outlined his vision for how video games can reach the cultural level of movies and books.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">"If we don't cross that line, if we don't make attempts to express what we really want to express, games will only be games," Kojima said. "If we don't try to go beyond that, we won't be able to achieve what movies or novels have achieved. I didn't want to stay away from these things that could be considered sensitive. If we don't go that far, games will never be considered as culture.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">Also during the interview, Kojima likened himself and his team at Kojima Productions to the characters from <em>Breaking Bad</em>, who stop at nothing to make their message known.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">"In <em>Breaking Bad</em>, I also see that these guys are trying to go to the limit; trying to take it as far as they can to try to get their message across. For us as well. In games we have to go to the limit; we want to stay within this limit of how far...pushing the boundaries of conveying our message. We look around and we don't see too many games like this; that is unfortunate," he said.</p><figure data-align="left" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-2448590" data-resize-url="" data-resized="" data-embed-type="image"><a href="" data-ref-id="1300-2448590"><img src=""></a></figure><p dir="ltr" style=""> </p><p dir="ltr" style="">For Metal Gear Solid V, the game's central theme is that of revenge. And to get this point across, prologue <a href="/metal-gear-solid-ground-zeroes/" data-ref-id="false">Ground Zeroes</a> will feature some scenes that Kojima expects will be controversial. That said, he explained that he's not going to tone down the game's content just because some people might take issue with what he has to say.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">"One of the main topics of Metal Gear Solid V is this chain of revenge. That is something that I really didn't want to step back from, I really didn't want to go around it," Kojima said. "I know that I will probably face a lot of criticism because of it but I really wanted to portray that accurately."</p><p dir="ltr" style="">Finally, Kojima stressed that though Metal Gear Solid V is going to push the envelope, he doesn't think all games need to do this. "I don't think necessarily that all games have to go this far; in our case we have a strong message that we want to convey," he said.</p><p style=""><a href="/metal-gear-solid-ground-zeroes/" data-ref-id="false">Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes</a>, the prologue to <a href="/metal-gear-solid-v-the-phantom-pain/" data-ref-id="false">Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain</a>, launches <a href="" data-ref-id="1100-6416613">March 18</a> for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation 4.</p><div data-embed-type="video" data-ref-id="2300-6409824" data-width="100%" data-height="100%"><iframe src="/videos/embed/6409824/" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe></div><p style=""> </p><table data-max-width="true"><thead><tr><th scope="col"><em>Eddie Makuch is a news editor at GameSpot, and you can follow him on<a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ref-id="false"> Twitter @EddieMakuch</a></em></th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td><strong><em>Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Email <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></em></strong></td></tr></tbody></table> Wed, 05 Mar 2014 06:00:00 -0800 <figure data-align="center" data-size="large" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-2448595" data-resize-url="" data-resized="" data-embed-type="image"><a href="" data-ref-id="1300-2448595"><img src=""></a></figure><p style=""> </p><p dir="ltr" style="">Game-focused streaming service Twitch today announced the Twitch Mobile Software Development Kit (SDK), a new program that will enable live broadcasting, capturing, and archiving of mobile games. Twitch <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ref-id="false">already offers an SDK </a>for console and PC developers.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">Currently, the free Twitch mobile app for iOS and Android--which has now reached 10 million installs, Twitch says--only allows you to view game streams, not broadcast them.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">"Our vision is to provide the Twitch community with the ability not only to view, but to broadcast live video game content wherever they are, whether they're on the go or in the living room," Twitch marketing executive Matthew DiPietro said in a statement. "We've achieved that with our PC and console integrations, so the trifecta will soon be complete with our deep and concerted foray into mobile broadcasting."</p><p dir="ltr" style="">Below is a breakdown of the features that the Twitch Mobile SDK will offer when released.</p><ul><li dir="ltr">The ability to capture and broadcast gameplay video and audio</li><li dir="ltr">Video capture from the front-facing camera</li><li dir="ltr">Audio capture using an internal or external microphone</li><li dir="ltr">Videos can be archived for immediate viewing on Twitch and uploaded for sharing</li><li dir="ltr">Broadcast quality can be toggled between High, Medium, and Low settings</li><li dir="ltr">Robust chat options including emoticons badges and chat colors</li><li dir="ltr">The easy discovery of related broadcasts from other gamers</li></ul><p dir="ltr" style=""> </p><p dir="ltr" style="">Twitch has not announced a launch date for when the functionality will go live. The company has also not said which smartphones and tablets will be supported.</p><p style="">The streaming service has dominated headlines recently, with the <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ref-id="false">massively popular Twitch Plays Pokemon</a> reaching a staggering 36+ million total views and 1+ billion minutes watched. Twitch broadcasting is <a href="" data-ref-id="1100-6417945">finally coming to Xbox One on March 11</a> alongside Respawn Entertainment's multiplayer shooter <a href="/titanfall/" data-ref-id="false">Titanfall</a>. Twitch has also been a <a href="" data-ref-id="1100-6416987">runaway hit on PlayStation 4</a>.</p><div data-embed-type="video" data-ref-id="2300-6416192" data-width="100%" data-height="100%"><iframe src="/videos/embed/6416192/" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe></div><table data-max-width="true"><thead><tr><th scope="col"><em>Eddie Makuch is a news editor at GameSpot, and you can follow him on<a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ref-id="false"> Twitter @EddieMakuch</a></em></th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td><strong><em>Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Email <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></em></strong></td></tr></tbody></table> Wed, 05 Mar 2014 06:00:00 -0800 <figure data-align="center" data-size="large" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-2448583" data-resize-url="" data-resized="" data-embed-type="image"><a href="" data-ref-id="1300-2448583"><img src=""></a></figure><p style=""><a href="/batman-arkham-knight/" data-ref-id="false">Batman: Arkham Knight</a> will take place one year after the events of <a href="/batman-arkham-city/" data-ref-id="false">Arkham City</a>, developer Rocksteady has confirmed, along with a slew of other information about the game's drivable Batmobile, increased city size, and combat mechanics.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">Rocksteady spilled the beans in <a href="" rel="nofollow">Game Informer's April 2014 issue</a>, talking about how Gotham City's open world will be five times the size of the one in Arkham City. Streets will also be wider to accommodate for the driveable Batmobile. The Batmobile! It's described as an "unstoppable force" by game director and studio co-founder Sefton Hill, one that players can summon with the press of a button--only to have it arrive at high-speeds, smashing through any nearby vehicles, traffic posts, or even the corners of buildings.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">Batman can also eject himself out of the car at a moment's notice, flinging our hero out of his vehicle and up into the sky, where he can maintain his momentum by gliding and grappling. The Dark Knight has also been spruced up a bit in combat, including new moves and takedowns, although Rocksteady says the simplicity of the brawling is one of the game's signatures. Rocksteady should know: Batman's counter-focused gameplay has been borrowed by plenty of other titles since its release.</p><figure data-align="right" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-2448586" data-resize-url="" data-resized="" data-embed-type="image"><a href="" data-ref-id="1300-2448586"><img src=""></a></figure><p dir="ltr" style="">Batman: Arkham Knight will also feature a new villain built specifically for the game, and described as a "formidable" foe. A silhouette of the new antagonist shows that his outline makes him look quite similar to Batman--what are the chances that it could be Hush, who popped up briefly (and teasingly) at the end of one of the sidequests in Arkham City? Scarecrow also features, having cooked up a new batch of fear toxin and planting it in bombs around the city.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">Fans will also be delighted to know that Kevin Conroy will reprise the role of Batman, having been replaced in Arkham Origins by Roger Craig Smith. Conroy is, if you ask me, the definitive voice of Batman--his smooth-but-grizzled chatter trounces all over Bale's comedy snarl.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">Hill also confirmed that the game won't feature a multiplayer mode, unlike last year's Batman: Arkham Origins.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">"We don't have the time to do multiplayer," he said. "We want to focus on making the best single-player experience we can. We don't feel that it needs a multiplayer element."</p><p dir="ltr" style="">Publisher Warner Bros. is said to have "backed up" Rocksteady's decision on multiplayer from the start of the project.</p><p style="">Hill also spoke about creating a game exclusively for the new consoles (and PC). "It's not a challenge moving to next-gen," he said, "the real challenge is making sure you're getting the best out of the machines."</p><p style="">"You see a lot of games that are cross-gen and they feel a bit reined in because of that." </p><p style="">The GameSpot team also <a href="" data-ref-id="1100-6418109">scrubbed through the game's debut trailer to see what info was buried within</a>. </p><p dir="ltr" style="">Batman: Arkham Knight is due to be released for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 sometime in 2014, with US retailer GameStop pegging the date for October 14.</p><div data-embed-type="video" data-ref-id="2300-6417500" data-width="100%" data-height="100%"><iframe src="/videos/embed/6417500/" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe></div><p dir="ltr" style=""> </p> Wed, 05 Mar 2014 04:45:00 -0800 <p style=""> </p><p dir="ltr" style="">Microsoft's <a href="" data-ref-id="1100-6418066">heavily rumored</a> Siri-like personal digital assistant "Cortana" remains officially unannounced, but the evidence for its existence continues to mount.</p><figure data-align="left" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-2448574" data-resize-url="" data-resized="" data-embed-type="image"><a href="" data-ref-id="1300-2448574"><img src=""></a></figure><p dir="ltr" style=""> </p><p dir="ltr" style=""><a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ref-id="false"></a> has posted an extended video showing off what appears to be Cortana. It's the first time we've seen the service in action. Unfortunately, it lacks a speaking voice believed to be performed by none other than Cortana actor Jen Taylor.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">Cortana is Microsoft's rival to Apple's Siri and Google Now. As gamers will no doubt know, it takes its name (or potentially code-name) from the holographic artificial intelligence character Cortana from the Halo series.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">The Cortana service for Windows Phone will reportedly be able to learn and adapt, allowing it to address you by your name or a nickname. You'll also reportedly be able to ask Cortana to perform tasks for you like "wake me at 7 a.m." to set an alarm.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">GameSpot sister site <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ref-id="8301-10805">CNET</a> reports that Cortana will be an opt-in service, so you won't have to use it if you don't want to. Unsurprisingly, you'll need a Microsoft Account to use Cortana, which will officially replace Bing, according to the report.</p><p style="">Cortana is expected to launch as part of Windows 8.1 in late March or early April. Support for other Microsoft devices like Windows computers and Xbox consoles could come later.</p><div data-embed-type="video" data-src="" data-width="100%" data-height="100%"><iframe src="//" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe></div><table data-max-width="true"><thead><tr><th scope="col"><em>Eddie Makuch is a news editor at GameSpot, and you can follow him on<a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ref-id="false"> Twitter @EddieMakuch</a></em></th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td><strong><em>Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Email <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></em></strong></td></tr></tbody></table> Wed, 05 Mar 2014 04:27:00 -0800 <figure data-align="center" data-size="large" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-2448569" data-resize-url="" data-resized="" data-embed-type="image"><a href="" data-ref-id="1300-2448569"><img src=""></a></figure><p style=""><a href="/batman-arkham-knight/" data-ref-id="false">Batman: Arkham Knight</a> will be released on October 14, 2014, according to a promotional image for the title <a href="" rel="nofollow">released by GameStop</a>.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">The date would certainly make sense. Warner Bros. has confirmed the game will be released in 2014, and both Arkham City and Arkham Origins were released in October, also known as the month where most big-budget games looking for a slice of holiday season spending sprees are released.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">Batman: Arkham Knight was formally unveiled yesterday. Rocksteady, the UK developer behind Arkham Asylum and Arkham City, is developing the game for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">Oh, <a href="">and you get to drive the Batmobile</a>.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">For more information, <a href="">a trio of GameSpot editors picked through the game's debut trailer to see what they could find</a>.</p><div data-embed-type="video" data-ref-id="2300-6417500" data-width="100%" data-height="100%"><iframe src="/videos/embed/6417500/" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe></div><p dir="ltr" style=""> </p> Wed, 05 Mar 2014 04:04:00 -0800 <figure data-align="center" data-size="large" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-2448554" data-resize-url="" data-resized="" data-embed-type="image"><a href="" data-ref-id="1300-2448554"><img src=""></a></figure><p style="">DLC for <a href="/plants-vs-zombies-garden-warfare/" data-ref-id="false">Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare</a> will be free, developer Popcap Games has said.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">"Yes DLC will be free," said PopCap marketing manager Gary Clay on Twitter when asked about future content for the third-person shooter. The first DLC pack for the game is expected to be released in the next few weeks.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">Clay reiterated that PopCap has not announced anything regarding microtransactions for the title, however. For more information, GameSpot editor Carolyn Petit <a href="">tackled the thorny possibility of in-app purchases making their way into the game last week</a>.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">PopCap producer Brian Lindley told GameSpot in February that Garden Warfare <a href="">wouldn't feature microtransactions "at launch"</a>, but what does that mean for the future of the game?</p><div data-embed-type="video" data-ref-id="2300-6417462" data-width="100%" data-height="100%"><iframe src="/videos/embed/6417462/" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe></div><p dir="ltr" style=""> </p> Wed, 05 Mar 2014 03:04:00 -0800 <figure data-align="center" data-size="large" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-2448515" data-resize-url="" data-resized="" data-embed-type="image"><a href="" data-ref-id="1300-2448515"><img src=""></a></figure><p style="">Microsoft has begun rolling out a major Xbox One system update that addresses some of the main complaints from system owners.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">The main addition is the new Party Chat mode, and new multiplayer functionality, which should be handy for the launch of <a href="/titanfall/" data-ref-id="false">Titanfall</a> next week.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">Other updates include Twitch streaming support (although the Twitch app itself doesn't launch until next week), Dolby Digital optical output, 50hz mode, and other tweaks that should make it easier to use the Xbox One with your TV, speakers, and other various bits and bobs.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">Microsoft also teased that external storage would be coming in a future update, alongside more improvements to friends notifications. "Just as we do with Xbox 360, we'll be continuing regular updates to Xbox One," said Xbox product boss Marc Whitten. "Some will be big, like this March update, and some will be smaller."</p><p dir="ltr" style="">Here's the full list of updates, explained by Whitten:</p><ul><li dir="ltr">Get to your friends list faster. The friends list is now front and center on the homepage of the Friends app. Click the Social tile on Home, or say "Xbox, go to Friends" to see who's online and what they're up to. From there you can quickly send messages and get into a party.</li><li dir="ltr">Party chat on by default. When you party up, chat audio is turned on by default.</li><li dir="ltr">Chat with friends playing different games. Party chat is now separated from people playing your game, so you can chat with your friends who are online or you can chat with everyone playing the game.</li><li dir="ltr">"Invite friends to game" option available in your multiplayer titles. Similar to Xbox 360 titles, when you're inside a game's menu you have a simpler and quicker way to set up your multiplayer battles. Selecting "Invite friends" lets you invite friends to your game and party.</li><li dir="ltr">See a list of "Recent Players." This is a simple list that shows you Xbox Live members you've recently played with, making it easier to stay in touch with people, add new friends after your multiplayer sessions, or report a player for bad behavior.</li><li dir="ltr">Twitch live streaming support. The best broadcasting and spectating experience on any game console is on its way to Xbox One with the new Twitch app launching on March 11, just say "Xbox broadcast" to start sharing. Xbox One is the only next-gen console that allows you to archive your Twitch broadcasts and view live Twitch streams regardless of their original source.</li><li dir="ltr">Dolby Digital sound. Optical out now supports 5.1 Dolby Digital, enabling devices such as sound bars and headsets with only optical in to be able to receive 5.1 Dolby Digital from Xbox One over optical. We're also adding support for Dolby Digital surround sound over HDMI. Now you'll be able to have the best sound quality no matter what speaker setup you are using.</li><li dir="ltr">We will now support 50Hz output to Xbox One. You can set the live TV app to display at 50Hz for full or fill modes, fixing the frame rate issues some users in Europe have been experiencing while watching live TV on Xbox One.</li><li dir="ltr">Volume up/down adjustments. We're making it easier to adjust the volume on your Xbox One. Now, you can tailor the number of volume increments when using "Xbox volume up" or "Xbox volume down" voice commands.</li><li dir="ltr">New ways to stay connected with SmartGlass. We're introducing new ways for you to stay connected with your friends through Xbox One SmartGlass. Receive notifications of Xbox Live messages, check out what your friends are doing, and see their latest highlight clips. You can even unsnap apps with the tap of a finger – all from your personal device.</li><li dir="ltr">Support for new Xbox One accessories. Xbox One now supports the recently announced Xbox One Stereo Headset and Adapter, the Xbox One Media Remote with a dedicated OneGuide button, as well as third party headsets.</li><li dir="ltr">Browser improvements. When you're searching for content, there's now a direct link to IE to see related results on the web. New gesture and controller features let you directly zoom and pan Bing and Google maps. And search is even faster in IE – just highlight a phrase on a web page and press the menu button to search Bing and learn more.</li><li dir="ltr">IR blasting of power and volume to TVs/AVRs is now available in all regions.</li><li dir="ltr">Easy sound bar setup. Your audio sound bar set up just got a lot easier. You no longer need to type in the model number for most sound bars or AVRs when setting up TV on Xbox One.</li><li dir="ltr">General improvements. Last, but not least, a few miscellaneous updates like the ability to view Game Clips while in Snap mode and a new passkey feature to protect user settings.</li></ul> Wed, 05 Mar 2014 01:17:00 -0800 <figure data-align="center" data-size="large" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-2448412" data-resize-url="" data-resized="" data-embed-type="image"><a href="" data-ref-id="1300-2448412"><img src=""></a></figure><p style="">Writer Amy Hennig has departed from developer Naughty Dog, a report which surfaced on <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ref-id="false">IGN</a> revealed. She was writing and leading development for the <a href="/uncharted-4/" data-ref-id="false">Uncharted game on PlayStation 4</a>.</p><p style="">The news was later confirmed by Sony, who issued the following statement:</p><p style="">"We can confirm that Amy Hennig has left Naughty Dog. Amy has made significant contributions to the game industry and we appreciate all she has done for Naughty Dog. The development timeline of Uncharted will not be impacted."</p><p style="">According to the report, Hennig had her last day at Naughty Dog on March 3. She was allegedly "forced out" by Neil Druckmann and Bruce Straley, who served as creative director and game director respectively on<a href="/the-last-of-us/" data-ref-id="false"> The Last of Us</a>.</p><p style="">Hennig has worked at Naughty Dog for over ten years, leading development for the Uncharted series as head writer and creative director.</p><p style="">Uncharted for the PS4 made it into headlines earlier this week <a href="" data-ref-id="1100-6418081">when some alleged test videos were "leaked" online</a>. The videos have since been confirmed as fake.</p><div data-embed-type="video" data-ref-id="2300-6416170" data-width="100%" data-height="100%"><iframe src="/videos/embed/6416170/" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe></div><p style=""> </p><table data-max-width="true"><thead><tr><th scope="col"><em>Zorine Te is an associate editor at GameSpot, and you can follow her on <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ref-id="false">Twitter @ztharli</a></em></th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td><strong><em>Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Email <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></em></strong></td></tr></tbody></table><p style=""> </p><p style=""> </p> Tue, 04 Mar 2014 21:17:00 -0800 We asked Tim Schafer if he could only recommend one of his games to someone, which one would it be. For more answers from Tim Schafer, tune into The Lobby every Tuesday at 2PM. Tue, 04 Mar 2014 18:23:00 -0800 Rob, Peter and Danny learn you can take a dump on South Park: The Stick Of Truth Tue, 04 Mar 2014 18:17:00 -0800 Peter Brown, Justin Haywald and Danny O'Dwyer talk about a few of the weeks hot topics on The Lobby, including Hideo Kojima's comments about today's youths and the Batman Arkham Knight trailer. Tue, 04 Mar 2014 17:54:00 -0800 Vince Zampella from Respawn Entertainment answers questions about Titanfall from Danny, Peter and live audience on The Lobby. Tue, 04 Mar 2014 17:49:00 -0800 Gamespot's Everything Feed! News, Reviews, Videos. Exploding with content? You bet. en-us Wed, 05 Mar 2014 08:18:44 -0800 <figure data-align="center" data-size="large" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-2448616" data-resize-url="" data-resized="" data-embed-type="image"><a href="" data-ref-id="1300-2448616"><img src=""></a></figure><p style=""> </p><p dir="ltr" style="">The top 16 Call of Duty teams from across the United States will compete at Full Sail University in Florida this weekend for a chance to head to the Call of Duty Championship later this month. Matches of <a href="/call-of-duty-ghosts/" data-ref-id="false">Call of Duty: Ghosts </a>are played on Xbox One.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">16 teams will compete in the United States Championship and 8 will move on. The event will be broadcast <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ref-id="false">exclusively through MLG TV</a> beginning Saturday, March 8 at 12 noon EDT and running through Sunday, March 9.</p><p style="">The eight winning squads will advance to the <a href="" data-ref-id="1100-6417033">second annual Call of Duty Championship in Los Angeles</a>, where they will compete against international teams for the title of "World Champions" and $1 million in prizes. This event will also be broadcast exclusively through MLG TV.</p><p dir="ltr" style=""><strong>Teams competing at the US Championship include:</strong></p><ul><li dir="ltr">Team EnVyUs</li><li dir="ltr">compLexity</li><li dir="ltr">OpTic Gaming</li><li dir="ltr">JusTus Pro</li><li dir="ltr">Curse Las Vegas</li><li dir="ltr">Strictly Business</li><li dir="ltr">Team Kaliber</li><li dir="ltr">FaZe</li><li dir="ltr">Curse NY</li><li dir="ltr">Xfinity Gaming (formerly TVA)</li><li dir="ltr">Denial West (formerly eLevate)</li><li dir="ltr">VexX Gaming (formerly Sigma)</li><li dir="ltr">Adversity</li><li dir="ltr">Final Boss</li><li dir="ltr">Rise (Formerly Living The Dream)</li><li>Denial East</li></ul><p style="">Team Fariko defeated EnVyUS in the 2013 Call of Duty Championship finals to claim the crown. Check out a video recap of that event below.</p><div data-embed-type="video" data-ref-id="2300-6406925" data-width="100%" data-height="100%"><iframe src="/videos/embed/6406925/" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe></div><table data-max-width="true"><thead><tr><th scope="col"><em>Eddie Makuch is a news editor at GameSpot, and you can follow him on<a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ref-id="false"> Twitter @EddieMakuch</a></em></th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td><strong><em>Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Email <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></em></strong></td></tr></tbody></table> Wed, 05 Mar 2014 07:17:00 -0800 <p style="">It's two weeks before the release of <a href="/metal-gear-solid-ground-zeroes/" data-ref-id="false">Ground Zeroes</a>, and there's still a lot of misinformation floating about. After spending over eight hours with the game, seeing the majority of its content, I'm going to take this opportunity to debunk, and verify, some of the rumors about the latest Metal Gear game.</p><p style="">Whether Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima likes it or not, his legendary stealth series is complicated. Nearly everything and everyone has multiple aliases, key comrades betray allegiances, and subsequent games crisscross between decades while also featuring leading characters with nearly identical names and faces; a reference to a character named Snake may refer to one of four people: Naked Snake, Solid Snake, Solidus Snake, or Liquid Snake.</p><p style="">Kojima took a similar convoluted approach to the reveal of Metal Gear Solid V. It began with the <a href="" data-ref-id="1100-6393924">announcement</a> of Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes at an event celebrating the series' 25th anniversary in late August 2012. Then, Kojima stayed silent about Metal Gear until the VGAs in December of 2012. In typical Kojima form, he <a href="" data-ref-id="1100-6401275">announced</a> the other piece of the Metal Gear Solid V puzzle as simply <a href="/metal-gear-solid-v-the-phantom-pain/" data-ref-id="false">The Phantom Pain</a>, but did so under the guise of bandaged developer Joakim Mogren. The Metal Gear Solid V portion of the title was hidden in the negative space of the logo, and we were told that it was being developed by a new Swedish studio, Moby Dick Studios. It wasn't until the Game Developers Conference the following March that Kojima <a href="" data-ref-id="1100-6406062">revealed</a> that he was behind The Phantom Pain and that it, together with Ground Zeroes, would make up Metal Gear Solid V.</p><figure data-align="center" data-size="large" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-2448393" data-resize-url="" data-resized="" data-embed-type="image"><a href="" data-ref-id="1300-2448393"><img src=""></a></figure><p style=""> </p><h3>Rumor: Ground Zeroes is a glorified $30 demo.<br />Reality: Ground Zeroes is a $30 game.</h3><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-2448396" data-resize-url="" data-resized="" data-embed-type="image"><a href="" data-ref-id="1300-2448396"><img src=""></a><figcaption>Packaged copies of Ground Zeroes are $30, but a digital version can be downloaded for only $20.</figcaption></figure><p style="">Demos come in different forms. Typically, they're slices cut from the main game that offer a glimpse at the setting and plot, while giving you a chance to explore the core mechanics that will drive the gameplay experience. Sometimes game demos break these rules; Bravely Default's recent demo for the 3DS offered curious players distinct content that's separate from the final product. It wasn't short either, keeping many people engaged for 10 or more hours. Despite its length, the demo revealed very little about the main game's overall plot.</p><p style="">Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes can also be played for 10 or more hours. It also contains content that can't be found in the "main" game, The Phantom Pain. However, I will argue that because Ground Zeroes offers key plot points that lead into the Phantom Pain, it truly is a prologue game, unlike the Bravely Default demo.</p><p style="">For each of Ground Zeroes' missions, you're given the entirety of Camp Omega to accomplish your goal, but that is the sole environment in the game. This limitation is no doubt the reason for the "demo" branding by some, but Ground Zeroes is a stand-alone product. If you hold to the notion that a short game can only be a demo, and you refuse to pay for something that "should" be free, you've got a long time to wait before the "full" game is released, likely in late 2015, or even early 2016.</p><p style="">Even if you manage to hold out and ignore Ground Zeroes for that long, there's no guarantee The Phantom Pain will contain the same content found in Ground Zeroes. It may not be as broad or as long as most games, but Ground Zeroes can be had for one-third of the cost if you opt to download it for $20.</p><div data-embed-type="video" data-ref-id="2300-6417312" data-width="854" data-height="480"><iframe src="/videos/embed/6417312/" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe></div><h3><span>Rumor: Ground Zeroes is two hours long.<br /></span>Reality: Ground Zeroes has over ten hours of content.</h3><p style="">When Game Informer <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ref-id="false">pointed out</a> that they completed Ground Zeroes in two hours, everyone was up in arms. There were a lot reader comments that read something like this: "Two hours? What a rip-off!" We've since learned, and I can confirm, that the two-hour time frame is a reasonable estimation of your first playthrough of the main mission. I completed my first run closer to the one-hour mark, but I took one of many routes to get there. Ground Zeroes isn't a linear experience, and there are a lot of paths that will lead you to your goal.</p><p style="">Metal Gear is traditionally a stealth-based experience, and Ground Zeroes is no different. However, it's more open ended than its predecessors. The main mission, if handled as succinctly as possible, incorporates only a quarter of the setting, Camp Omega.</p><figure data-align="left" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-2448394" data-resize-url="" data-resized="" data-embed-type="image"><a href="" data-ref-id="1300-2448394"><img src=""></a><figcaption>Pick it quick!</figcaption></figure><p style="">There are also a handful of side missions--called side-ops--to explore. The first four give you new challenges that take you directly to new parts of the map. The weather and time of day change for these missions as well. These changes alter the need for and implementation of stealth, and give the base an entirely new feel. Though you only explore Camp Omega in Ground Zeroes, there's plenty of opportunity to explore every nook in a variety of scenarios. While playing through the side-ops, I spent about three hours during my first run of the lot, but I consistently ranked poorly. Time permitting, I would have readily and happily jumped back in to improve my rank. It's not just for pride: better ranks reward you with better bonus items that can open up new ways to play any mission in the game.</p><p style="">If you want to open up the <a href="" data-ref-id="1100-6416613">platform-exclusive missions</a>, you'll need a keen eye, a quiet step, and a lot of patience. In order to unlock them, you need to collect badges hidden throughout the base. It may be one location, but Camp Omega is full of buildings to explore and corners to pick through, making the badge hunt particularly challenging. I certainly wasn't able to find them all without a bit of help.</p><p style="">All told, I spent about nine hours playing Ground Zeroes, and my completion rating was only 30 percent. I beat every mission, but I failed to complete them in every way possible.</p><h3>Rumor: Ground Zeroes is easier with the slow-motion stealth mechanic.<br />Reality: Ground Zeroes is just as difficult with the slow-motion stealth mechanic.</h3><figure data-align="right" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-2448397" data-resize-url="" data-resized="" data-embed-type="image"><a href="" data-ref-id="1300-2448397"><img src=""></a><figcaption>When the going gets tough, the weak get choke-slammed.</figcaption></figure><p dir="ltr" style="">One of the most obvious changes to the stealth gameplay is the new slow-motion effect that occurs when you're spotted by an enemy. Before they have a chance to alert fellow guards and soldiers, you have a few seconds to silence them and avert danger. It's not a total crutch, however. After all, you no longer have a radar system to track noise and enemy movements. You can mark enemies with your binoculars and keep track of them that way, but you're required to spot them in the first place. This is no small feat when there are dozens of enemies in the area and you're constantly watching your back.</p><p style="">Even though I always knew where some enemies were, there was always a little voice in the back of my head reminding me that there are probably another one or two nearby that I haven't spotted. Sometimes though, I got cocky, and brashly bolted into un-scouted territory. The moment I was spotted and the slow-motion effect kicked in produced a fight or flight sensation that was immediately difficult to manage. You know that your window to act is only open for a few seconds, and the pressure therein had a noticeable impact on my ability to focus. Maybe it speaks to my abilities as a player, but the slow-motion "crutch" did me no favors compared to the old way of doing things.</p><h3>Rumor: Ground Zeroes is an open-world game.<br />Reality: Ground Zeroes is not an open-world game.</h3><p style="">As I've said already, there's only one area to explore in Ground Zeroes. Now, according to Kojima, the Phantom Pain is supposed to be "hundreds" of times larger than Ground Zeroes, which will likely fit into the open-world paradigm that we've grown accustomed to in games like <a href="/grand-theft-auto-v/" data-ref-id="false">Grand Theft Auto V</a>. You will not get that same feeling when playing Ground Zeroes. If you attempt to exit the base through one of many available exits, you'll be prompted to confirm that you're quitting the mission at hand and want to return to the main menu. Perhaps a better descriptor for Ground Zeroes is that it's an open-format game, as there are numerous paths and means to reach your goal. In that sense, it's more open than previous games in the series.</p><figure data-align="center" data-size="large" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-2448399" data-resize-url="" data-resized="" data-embed-type="image"><a href="" data-ref-id="1300-2448399"><img src=""></a><figcaption>Camp Omega looks small at this scale, but it will take considerable time and effort to see everything it has to offer.</figcaption></figure><p style="">You could ignore your mission objectives and spend an hour running around Camp Omega and still miss half of the soldiers, vehicles, and interactive objects strewn about. So yes, it's more open than usual, but there's no basis to call Ground Zeroes an open-world game. The Phantom Pain, on the other hand, will almost certainly offer what Kojima has talked about since the inception of Peace Walker: a (mostly) persistent world where you can recruit soldiers, build your army's base, and break free from the bonds of linear mission structures.</p><p style="">There's obviously a lot more to talk about, and with the Ground Zeroes release date looming, you can be sure that everyone's questions will be answered soon. What I can say at this point is that for $30, Ground Zeroes offers a robust glimpse into the future of Metal Gear. It looks great, offers intriguing plot points to digest, and has enough extra content to keep you busy far longer than two hours.</p> Wed, 05 Mar 2014 06:00:00 -0800 <figure data-align="center" data-size="large" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-2367051" data-resize-url="" data-resized="" data-embed-type="image"><a href="" data-ref-id="1300-2367051"><img src=""></a></figure><p style=""> </p><p dir="ltr" style="">Right now, <a href="/metal-gear-solid-v-the-phantom-pain/" data-ref-id="false">Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain</a> is confirmed only for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation 4. But series creator Hideo Kojima would like to see the game come to the PC as well, he told GameSpot in a new one-on-one interview in Japan.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">"PC, that's my original background. I originally created PC games," Kojima said. "A long time ago I didn't want to rely on platforms to release games, so if people want it, I cannot make a formal announcement, but that is definitely something that I would like to do."</p><p style="">Predecessor <a href="/metal-gear-solid-4-guns-of-the-patriots/" data-ref-id="false">Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots</a> did not come to the PC, though 2013 spinoff <a href="/metal-gear-rising-revengeance/" data-ref-id="false">Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance</a> did, albeit 11 months after the game originally released on consoles. The Phantom Pain prologue <a href="/metal-gear-solid-ground-zeroes/" data-ref-id="false">Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes</a>, which launches <a href="" data-ref-id="1100-6416613">March 18</a>, is not announced for the PC.</p><p style="">For more Metal Gear Solid coverage, check out <a href="" data-ref-id="1100-6418103">GameSpot's feature rounding up the story so far</a>. </p><div data-embed-type="video" data-ref-id="2300-6414685" data-width="100%" data-height="100%"><iframe src="/videos/embed/6414685/" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe></div><table data-max-width="true"><thead><tr><th scope="col"><em>Eddie Makuch is a news editor at GameSpot, and you can follow him on<a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ref-id="false"> Twitter @EddieMakuch</a></em></th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td><strong><em>Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Email <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></em></strong></td></tr></tbody></table> Wed, 05 Mar 2014 06:00:00 -0800 <figure data-align="center" data-size="large" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-2400229" data-resize-url="" data-resized="" data-embed-type="image"><a href="" data-ref-id="1300-2400229"><img src=""></a></figure><p style=""> </p><p dir="ltr" style="">If games are to be thought of as more than just that--games--they need to broach sensitive subjects, according to Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima. During a roundtable interview with the veteran designer attended by GameSpot, Kojima outlined his vision for how video games can reach the cultural level of movies and books.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">"If we don't cross that line, if we don't make attempts to express what we really want to express, games will only be games," Kojima said. "If we don't try to go beyond that, we won't be able to achieve what movies or novels have achieved. I didn't want to stay away from these things that could be considered sensitive. If we don't go that far, games will never be considered as culture.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">Also during the interview, Kojima likened himself and his team at Kojima Productions to the characters from <em>Breaking Bad</em>, who stop at nothing to make their message known.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">"In <em>Breaking Bad</em>, I also see that these guys are trying to go to the limit; trying to take it as far as they can to try to get their message across. For us as well. In games we have to go to the limit; we want to stay within this limit of how far...pushing the boundaries of conveying our message. We look around and we don't see too many games like this; that is unfortunate," he said.</p><figure data-align="left" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-2448590" data-resize-url="" data-resized="" data-embed-type="image"><a href="" data-ref-id="1300-2448590"><img src=""></a></figure><p dir="ltr" style=""> </p><p dir="ltr" style="">For Metal Gear Solid V, the game's central theme is that of revenge. And to get this point across, prologue <a href="/metal-gear-solid-ground-zeroes/" data-ref-id="false">Ground Zeroes</a> will feature some scenes that Kojima expects will be controversial. That said, he explained that he's not going to tone down the game's content just because some people might take issue with what he has to say.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">"One of the main topics of Metal Gear Solid V is this chain of revenge. That is something that I really didn't want to step back from, I really didn't want to go around it," Kojima said. "I know that I will probably face a lot of criticism because of it but I really wanted to portray that accurately."</p><p dir="ltr" style="">Finally, Kojima stressed that though Metal Gear Solid V is going to push the envelope, he doesn't think all games need to do this. "I don't think necessarily that all games have to go this far; in our case we have a strong message that we want to convey," he said.</p><p style=""><a href="/metal-gear-solid-ground-zeroes/" data-ref-id="false">Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes</a>, the prologue to <a href="/metal-gear-solid-v-the-phantom-pain/" data-ref-id="false">Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain</a>, launches <a href="" data-ref-id="1100-6416613">March 18</a> for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation 4.</p><div data-embed-type="video" data-ref-id="2300-6409824" data-width="100%" data-height="100%"><iframe src="/videos/embed/6409824/" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe></div><p style=""> </p><table data-max-width="true"><thead><tr><th scope="col"><em>Eddie Makuch is a news editor at GameSpot, and you can follow him on<a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ref-id="false"> Twitter @EddieMakuch</a></em></th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td><strong><em>Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Email <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></em></strong></td></tr></tbody></table> Wed, 05 Mar 2014 06:00:00 -0800 <figure data-align="center" data-size="large" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-2448595" data-resize-url="" data-resized="" data-embed-type="image"><a href="" data-ref-id="1300-2448595"><img src=""></a></figure><p style=""> </p><p dir="ltr" style="">Game-focused streaming service Twitch today announced the Twitch Mobile Software Development Kit (SDK), a new program that will enable live broadcasting, capturing, and archiving of mobile games. Twitch <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ref-id="false">already offers an SDK </a>for console and PC developers.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">Currently, the free Twitch mobile app for iOS and Android--which has now reached 10 million installs, Twitch says--only allows you to view game streams, not broadcast them.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">"Our vision is to provide the Twitch community with the ability not only to view, but to broadcast live video game content wherever they are, whether they're on the go or in the living room," Twitch marketing executive Matthew DiPietro said in a statement. "We've achieved that with our PC and console integrations, so the trifecta will soon be complete with our deep and concerted foray into mobile broadcasting."</p><p dir="ltr" style="">Below is a breakdown of the features that the Twitch Mobile SDK will offer when released.</p><ul><li dir="ltr">The ability to capture and broadcast gameplay video and audio</li><li dir="ltr">Video capture from the front-facing camera</li><li dir="ltr">Audio capture using an internal or external microphone</li><li dir="ltr">Videos can be archived for immediate viewing on Twitch and uploaded for sharing</li><li dir="ltr">Broadcast quality can be toggled between High, Medium, and Low settings</li><li dir="ltr">Robust chat options including emoticons badges and chat colors</li><li dir="ltr">The easy discovery of related broadcasts from other gamers</li></ul><p dir="ltr" style=""> </p><p dir="ltr" style="">Twitch has not announced a launch date for when the functionality will go live. The company has also not said which smartphones and tablets will be supported.</p><p style="">The streaming service has dominated headlines recently, with the <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ref-id="false">massively popular Twitch Plays Pokemon</a> reaching a staggering 36+ million total views and 1+ billion minutes watched. Twitch broadcasting is <a href="" data-ref-id="1100-6417945">finally coming to Xbox One on March 11</a> alongside Respawn Entertainment's multiplayer shooter <a href="/titanfall/" data-ref-id="false">Titanfall</a>. Twitch has also been a <a href="" data-ref-id="1100-6416987">runaway hit on PlayStation 4</a>.</p><div data-embed-type="video" data-ref-id="2300-6416192" data-width="100%" data-height="100%"><iframe src="/videos/embed/6416192/" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe></div><table data-max-width="true"><thead><tr><th scope="col"><em>Eddie Makuch is a news editor at GameSpot, and you can follow him on<a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ref-id="false"> Twitter @EddieMakuch</a></em></th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td><strong><em>Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Email <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></em></strong></td></tr></tbody></table> Wed, 05 Mar 2014 06:00:00 -0800 <figure data-align="center" data-size="large" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-2448583" data-resize-url="" data-resized="" data-embed-type="image"><a href="" data-ref-id="1300-2448583"><img src=""></a></figure><p style=""><a href="/batman-arkham-knight/" data-ref-id="false">Batman: Arkham Knight</a> will take place one year after the events of <a href="/batman-arkham-city/" data-ref-id="false">Arkham City</a>, developer Rocksteady has confirmed, along with a slew of other information about the game's drivable Batmobile, increased city size, and combat mechanics.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">Rocksteady spilled the beans in <a href="" rel="nofollow">Game Informer's April 2014 issue</a>, talking about how Gotham City's open world will be five times the size of the one in Arkham City. Streets will also be wider to accommodate for the driveable Batmobile. The Batmobile! It's described as an "unstoppable force" by game director and studio co-founder Sefton Hill, one that players can summon with the press of a button--only to have it arrive at high-speeds, smashing through any nearby vehicles, traffic posts, or even the corners of buildings.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">Batman can also eject himself out of the car at a moment's notice, flinging our hero out of his vehicle and up into the sky, where he can maintain his momentum by gliding and grappling. The Dark Knight has also been spruced up a bit in combat, including new moves and takedowns, although Rocksteady says the simplicity of the brawling is one of the game's signatures. Rocksteady should know: Batman's counter-focused gameplay has been borrowed by plenty of other titles since its release.</p><figure data-align="right" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-2448586" data-resize-url="" data-resized="" data-embed-type="image"><a href="" data-ref-id="1300-2448586"><img src=""></a></figure><p dir="ltr" style="">Batman: Arkham Knight will also feature a new villain built specifically for the game, and described as a "formidable" foe. A silhouette of the new antagonist shows that his outline makes him look quite similar to Batman--what are the chances that it could be Hush, who popped up briefly (and teasingly) at the end of one of the sidequests in Arkham City? Scarecrow also features, having cooked up a new batch of fear toxin and planting it in bombs around the city.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">Fans will also be delighted to know that Kevin Conroy will reprise the role of Batman, having been replaced in Arkham Origins by Roger Craig Smith. Conroy is, if you ask me, the definitive voice of Batman--his smooth-but-grizzled chatter trounces all over Bale's comedy snarl.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">Hill also confirmed that the game won't feature a multiplayer mode, unlike last year's Batman: Arkham Origins.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">"We don't have the time to do multiplayer," he said. "We want to focus on making the best single-player experience we can. We don't feel that it needs a multiplayer element."</p><p dir="ltr" style="">Publisher Warner Bros. is said to have "backed up" Rocksteady's decision on multiplayer from the start of the project.</p><p style="">Hill also spoke about creating a game exclusively for the new consoles (and PC). "It's not a challenge moving to next-gen," he said, "the real challenge is making sure you're getting the best out of the machines."</p><p style="">"You see a lot of games that are cross-gen and they feel a bit reined in because of that." </p><p style="">The GameSpot team also <a href="" data-ref-id="1100-6418109">scrubbed through the game's debut trailer to see what info was buried within</a>. </p><p dir="ltr" style="">Batman: Arkham Knight is due to be released for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 sometime in 2014, with US retailer GameStop pegging the date for October 14.</p><div data-embed-type="video" data-ref-id="2300-6417500" data-width="100%" data-height="100%"><iframe src="/videos/embed/6417500/" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe></div><p dir="ltr" style=""> </p> Wed, 05 Mar 2014 04:45:00 -0800 <p style=""> </p><p dir="ltr" style="">Microsoft's <a href="" data-ref-id="1100-6418066">heavily rumored</a> Siri-like personal digital assistant "Cortana" remains officially unannounced, but the evidence for its existence continues to mount.</p><figure data-align="left" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-2448574" data-resize-url="" data-resized="" data-embed-type="image"><a href="" data-ref-id="1300-2448574"><img src=""></a></figure><p dir="ltr" style=""> </p><p dir="ltr" style=""><a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ref-id="false"></a> has posted an extended video showing off what appears to be Cortana. It's the first time we've seen the service in action. Unfortunately, it lacks a speaking voice believed to be performed by none other than Cortana actor Jen Taylor.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">Cortana is Microsoft's rival to Apple's Siri and Google Now. As gamers will no doubt know, it takes its name (or potentially code-name) from the holographic artificial intelligence character Cortana from the Halo series.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">The Cortana service for Windows Phone will reportedly be able to learn and adapt, allowing it to address you by your name or a nickname. You'll also reportedly be able to ask Cortana to perform tasks for you like "wake me at 7 a.m." to set an alarm.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">GameSpot sister site <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ref-id="8301-10805">CNET</a> reports that Cortana will be an opt-in service, so you won't have to use it if you don't want to. Unsurprisingly, you'll need a Microsoft Account to use Cortana, which will officially replace Bing, according to the report.</p><p style="">Cortana is expected to launch as part of Windows 8.1 in late March or early April. Support for other Microsoft devices like Windows computers and Xbox consoles could come later.</p><div data-embed-type="video" data-src="" data-width="100%" data-height="100%"><iframe src="//" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe></div><table data-max-width="true"><thead><tr><th scope="col"><em>Eddie Makuch is a news editor at GameSpot, and you can follow him on<a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ref-id="false"> Twitter @EddieMakuch</a></em></th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td><strong><em>Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Email <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></em></strong></td></tr></tbody></table> Wed, 05 Mar 2014 04:27:00 -0800 <figure data-align="center" data-size="large" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-2448569" data-resize-url="" data-resized="" data-embed-type="image"><a href="" data-ref-id="1300-2448569"><img src=""></a></figure><p style=""><a href="/batman-arkham-knight/" data-ref-id="false">Batman: Arkham Knight</a> will be released on October 14, 2014, according to a promotional image for the title <a href="" rel="nofollow">released by GameStop</a>.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">The date would certainly make sense. Warner Bros. has confirmed the game will be released in 2014, and both Arkham City and Arkham Origins were released in October, also known as the month where most big-budget games looking for a slice of holiday season spending sprees are released.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">Batman: Arkham Knight was formally unveiled yesterday. Rocksteady, the UK developer behind Arkham Asylum and Arkham City, is developing the game for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">Oh, <a href="">and you get to drive the Batmobile</a>.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">For more information, <a href="">a trio of GameSpot editors picked through the game's debut trailer to see what they could find</a>.</p><div data-embed-type="video" data-ref-id="2300-6417500" data-width="100%" data-height="100%"><iframe src="/videos/embed/6417500/" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe></div><p dir="ltr" style=""> </p> Wed, 05 Mar 2014 04:04:00 -0800 <figure data-align="center" data-size="large" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-2448554" data-resize-url="" data-resized="" data-embed-type="image"><a href="" data-ref-id="1300-2448554"><img src=""></a></figure><p style="">DLC for <a href="/plants-vs-zombies-garden-warfare/" data-ref-id="false">Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare</a> will be free, developer Popcap Games has said.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">"Yes DLC will be free," said PopCap marketing manager Gary Clay on Twitter when asked about future content for the third-person shooter. The first DLC pack for the game is expected to be released in the next few weeks.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">Clay reiterated that PopCap has not announced anything regarding microtransactions for the title, however. For more information, GameSpot editor Carolyn Petit <a href="">tackled the thorny possibility of in-app purchases making their way into the game last week</a>.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">PopCap producer Brian Lindley told GameSpot in February that Garden Warfare <a href="">wouldn't feature microtransactions "at launch"</a>, but what does that mean for the future of the game?</p><div data-embed-type="video" data-ref-id="2300-6417462" data-width="100%" data-height="100%"><iframe src="/videos/embed/6417462/" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe></div><p dir="ltr" style=""> </p> Wed, 05 Mar 2014 03:04:00 -0800 <figure data-align="center" data-size="large" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-2448515" data-resize-url="" data-resized="" data-embed-type="image"><a href="" data-ref-id="1300-2448515"><img src=""></a></figure><p style="">Microsoft has begun rolling out a major Xbox One system update that addresses some of the main complaints from system owners.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">The main addition is the new Party Chat mode, and new multiplayer functionality, which should be handy for the launch of <a href="/titanfall/" data-ref-id="false">Titanfall</a> next week.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">Other updates include Twitch streaming support (although the Twitch app itself doesn't launch until next week), Dolby Digital optical output, 50hz mode, and other tweaks that should make it easier to use the Xbox One with your TV, speakers, and other various bits and bobs.</p><p dir="ltr" style="">Microsoft also teased that external storage would be coming in a future update, alongside more improvements to friends notifications. "Just as we do with Xbox 360, we'll be continuing regular updates to Xbox One," said Xbox product boss Marc Whitten. "Some will be big, like this March update, and some will be smaller."</p><p dir="ltr" style="">Here's the full list of updates, explained by Whitten:</p><ul><li dir="ltr">Get to your friends list faster. The friends list is now front and center on the homepage of the Friends app. Click the Social tile on Home, or say "Xbox, go to Friends" to see who's online and what they're up to. From there you can quickly send messages and get into a party.</li><li dir="ltr">Party chat on by default. When you party up, chat audio is turned on by default.</li><li dir="ltr">Chat with friends playing different games. Party chat is now separated from people playing your game, so you can chat with your friends who are online or you can chat with everyone playing the game.</li><li dir="ltr">"Invite friends to game" option available in your multiplayer titles. Similar to Xbox 360 titles, when you're inside a game's menu you have a simpler and quicker way to set up your multiplayer battles. Selecting "Invite friends" lets you invite friends to your game and party.</li><li dir="ltr">See a list of "Recent Players." This is a simple list that shows you Xbox Live members you've recently played with, making it easier to stay in touch with people, add new friends after your multiplayer sessions, or report a player for bad behavior.</li><li dir="ltr">Twitch live streaming support. The best broadcasting and spectating experience on any game console is on its way to Xbox One with the new Twitch app launching on March 11, just say "Xbox broadcast" to start sharing. Xbox One is the only next-gen console that allows you to archive your Twitch broadcasts and view live Twitch streams regardless of their original source.</li><li dir="ltr">Dolby Digital sound. Optical out now supports 5.1 Dolby Digital, enabling devices such as sound bars and headsets with only optical in to be able to receive 5.1 Dolby Digital from Xbox One over optical. We're also adding support for Dolby Digital surround sound over HDMI. Now you'll be able to have the best sound quality no matter what speaker setup you are using.</li><li dir="ltr">We will now support 50Hz output to Xbox One. You can set the live TV app to display at 50Hz for full or fill modes, fixing the frame rate issues some users in Europe have been experiencing while watching live TV on Xbox One.</li><li dir="ltr">Volume up/down adjustments. We're making it easier to adjust the volume on your Xbox One. Now, you can tailor the number of volume increments when using "Xbox volume up" or "Xbox volume down" voice commands.</li><li dir="ltr">New ways to stay connected with SmartGlass. We're introducing new ways for you to stay connected with your friends through Xbox One SmartGlass. Receive notifications of Xbox Live messages, check out what your friends are doing, and see their latest highlight clips. You can even unsnap apps with the tap of a finger – all from your personal device.</li><li dir="ltr">Support for new Xbox One accessories. Xbox One now supports the recently announced Xbox One Stereo Headset and Adapter, the Xbox One Media Remote with a dedicated OneGuide button, as well as third party headsets.</li><li dir="ltr">Browser improvements. When you're searching for content, there's now a direct link to IE to see related results on the web. New gesture and controller features let you directly zoom and pan Bing and Google maps. And search is even faster in IE – just highlight a phrase on a web page and press the menu button to search Bing and learn more.</li><li dir="ltr">IR blasting of power and volume to TVs/AVRs is now available in all regions.</li><li dir="ltr">Easy sound bar setup. Your audio sound bar set up just got a lot easier. You no longer need to type in the model number for most sound bars or AVRs when setting up TV on Xbox One.</li><li dir="ltr">General improvements. Last, but not least, a few miscellaneous updates like the ability to view Game Clips while in Snap mode and a new passkey feature to protect user settings.</li></ul> Wed, 05 Mar 2014 01:17:00 -0800 <figure data-align="center" data-size="large" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-2448412" data-resize-url="" data-resized="" data-embed-type="image"><a href="" data-ref-id="1300-2448412"><img src=""></a></figure><p style="">Writer Amy Hennig has departed from developer Naughty Dog, a report which surfaced on <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ref-id="false">IGN</a> revealed. She was writing and leading development for the <a href="/uncharted-4/" data-ref-id="false">Uncharted game on PlayStation 4</a>.</p><p style="">The news was later confirmed by Sony, who issued the following statement:</p><p style="">"We can confirm that Amy Hennig has left Naughty Dog. Amy has made significant contributions to the game industry and we appreciate all she has done for Naughty Dog. The development timeline of Uncharted will not be impacted."</p><p style="">According to the report, Hennig had her last day at Naughty Dog on March 3. She was allegedly "forced out" by Neil Druckmann and Bruce Straley, who served as creative director and game director respectively on<a href="/the-last-of-us/" data-ref-id="false"> The Last of Us</a>.</p><p style="">Hennig has worked at Naughty Dog for over ten years, leading development for the Uncharted series as head writer and creative director.</p><p style="">Uncharted for the PS4 made it into headlines earlier this week <a href="" data-ref-id="1100-6418081">when some alleged test videos were "leaked" online</a>. The videos have since been confirmed as fake.</p><div data-embed-type="video" data-ref-id="2300-6416170" data-width="100%" data-height="100%"><iframe src="/videos/embed/6416170/" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe></div><p style=""> </p><table data-max-width="true"><thead><tr><th scope="col"><em>Zorine Te is an associate editor at GameSpot, and you can follow her on <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ref-id="false">Twitter @ztharli</a></em></th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td><strong><em>Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Email <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></em></strong></td></tr></tbody></table><p style=""> </p><p style=""> </p> Tue, 04 Mar 2014 21:17:00 -0800 We asked Tim Schafer if he could only recommend one of his games to someone, which one would it be. For more answers from Tim Schafer, tune into The Lobby every Tuesday at 2PM. Tue, 04 Mar 2014 18:23:00 -0800 Rob, Peter and Danny learn you can take a dump on South Park: The Stick Of Truth Tue, 04 Mar 2014 18:17:00 -0800 Peter Brown, Justin Haywald and Danny O'Dwyer talk about a few of the weeks hot topics on The Lobby, including Hideo Kojima's comments about today's youths and the Batman Arkham Knight trailer. Tue, 04 Mar 2014 17:54:00 -0800 Vince Zampella from Respawn Entertainment answers questions about Titanfall from Danny, Peter and live audience on The Lobby. Tue, 04 Mar 2014 17:49:00 -0800
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