GameSpot Players Network

Written By Kom Limpulnam on Rabu, 14 November 2012 | 23.37

GameSpot Players Network, the hot spot for achievement hunts, play dates, competitions, and more. If you need a way to play you'll find it here!

Welcome to the GameSpot Players Network, where members can connect and get their game on! GameSpot is full of awesome and talented players looking for a good game - people who are good sports, and want to meet more people like themselves. But, you'll also receive missions and find out what other players are needing help with under the Looking for Players section. Drop by every week to find the latest announcements about live streams, achievement hunts, and more!


US Date: Friday, November 16th
US Time: 4:00pm PT*
Platform: X360
This weeks mission is BEAT THE PROS, GameSpoters will take on MLG Pro Gamer MrsViolence, do you have what it takes to beat this fragging femme fatal? Click here for some insider info on your competition. To sign up for your chance to beat the pros, simply include your XBOX Gamertag HERE
*Start times subject to change


GameSpot is full of great players always looking for a good game, but sometimes we need a little help. If you're looking for your player two for a simple achievement hunt, quest completion, or just someone to help fill your queue, sign up here.

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